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Dotterels, Grebes, Jacanas, Snipes, Other
Australasian GrebeSunshine Coast, QLD | Australasian GrebeSunshine Coast, QLD | Australasian GrebeSunshine Coast, QLD | Australian Painted-snipeSunshine Coast, QLD | Black-fronted DotterelRedcliffe, QLD | Black-fronted DotterelSunshine Coast, QLD | Comb-crested JacanaSunshine Coast, QLD | Comb-crested JacanaSunshine Coast, QLD |
Comb-crested JacanaSunshine Coast, QLD | Comb-crested JacanaSunshine Coast, QLD | Great Crested GrebeSunshine Coast, QLD | Great Crested GrebeSunshine Coast, QLD | Great Crested GrebeSunshine Coast, QLD | Great Crested GrebeSunshine Coast, QLD | Latham's SnipeSunshine Coast, QLD | Latham's SnipeSunshine Coast, QLD |
Latham's SnipeBrisbane, QLD | Red-kneed DotterelRedcliffe, QLD | Red-necked AvocetRedcliffe, QLD |
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