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Adelaide and surrounds
Anchor Aus land
Australian RingneckMonarto CP, SA | Eastern RosellaAdelaide CBD, SA | Mulga ParrotBrookfield CP, SA | Red-capped RobinBrookfield CP, SA | Diamond FiretailMonarto CP, SA | Singing HoneyeaterSt Kilda, SA | Scarlet RobinMt Lofty BG, SA | Eastern SpinebillMt Lofty BG, SA | Banded StiltSt Kilda, SA |
Australian CrakeLaratinga Wetlands, SA | Bassian ThrushMt Lofty BG, SA | Red WattlebirdLaratinga Wetlands, SA | EmuMurray River mouth, SA | Rainbow LorikeetAdelaide CBD, SA | Grey CurrawongMonarto CP, SA | Pacific GullMurray River mouth, SA | Black SwanSt Kilda, SA | Black-faced CormorantMurray River mouth, SA |
Spiny-cheeked HoneyeaterBrookfield CP, SA | Bassian ThrushMt Lofty BG, SA | GalahMonarto CP, SA | Common BlackbirdLaratinga Wetlands, SA | House SparrowSt Kilda, SA | Long-billed CorellaAdelaide CBD, SA | Musk LorikeetAdelaide CBD, SA | Australian PelicanMurray River mouth, SA | White-fronted HoneyeaterBrookfield CP, SA |
Yellow-plumed HoneyeaterBrookfield CP, SA |
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